June 20, 2023
10th Anniversary: 10 years of Innovation
“Being too risk-averse causes many companies to stop innovating and to reject new ideas, which is the first step on the path to irrelevance. Probably more companies hit the skids for this reason than because they dared to push boundaries and take risks—and, yes, to fail. To be a truly creative company, you must start things that might fail.” ~ Ed Catmull in Creativity, Inc.
While other scientific technology companies continue to sell the same instruments they developed 10-20 years ago, SciAps continues to surprise the competition (and truthfully, ourselves) with our innovative ideas!
Why? Because at SciAps we LOVE pushing the limits and crossing red lines!
We didn’t become the world's handheld technology leader by being risk averse. We remain relevant by staying on top of the new developments in every industry, discovering their pain points, and figuring out how we can solve those problems.
2023 marks our 10-year anniversary and we want to celebrate with you, our customers, and the industries we serve.
Our mission: Measure any element, any chemical, any mineral, anywhere on the planet.
How did we get here? Many of the people who created SciAps were the founders and employees at Niton and InnovX (aka Thermo Fisher Scientific and Evident). Most people don't know that we've been in the business of handheld technology from the beginning. In fact, our team helped to develop the world’s first handheld XRF in the mid-1990s, and then right after 9/11, we developed the world’s first XRF gun with an X-ray tube instead of a radioactive source.
Today at SciAps, we bring that spirit of innovation to the next generation of instrumentation.
After 25 years of no innovation in scrap sorting technology, SciAps delivered fast aluminum sorting with the X-550 XRF. Customers can now measure Mg as low as .25% in 1 second in aluminum alloys. Other analyzers have trouble measuring 1% in 20 seconds. If you want to sort aluminum alloys in two seconds with 100 percent accuracy, you need our XRF.
Eight years ago, when SciAps developed the first handheld analyzer to measure carbon and carbon equivalents in steels, distinguish L and H grade stainless, distinguish low carbon nickel alloys like 718LC and MarM 248LC, and measure cast irons and cast steels, NDT and PMI technicians were attempting to roll a massive spark OES system into ditches and up platforms to get that carbon measurement. Now, with the Z-900 series, technicians can access even hard to reach places with the new slender profile. Even better, you can buy an analyzer that measures just carbon and silicon at a value price point with the Z-901 CSi.
Lead Paint Analysis
In 2022, SciAps developed the first non-isotope lead paint XRF analyzer with a HUD PCS. In 2023, the X-550 Pb (Gold Anode only) received a HUD PCS at a Classification level of 0.1 mg/cm2, the lowest action level on the market. This new HUD PCS will come in handy with the revitalization of urban areas and government initiatives.
Environmental Applications
With the most advanced handheld XRF technology available, SciAps X-555 has a 55 kV X-ray tube, which yields superior limits of detection and precision for the subset of RCRA and EPA Priority Pollutant Metals cadmium, barium, tin, antimony, and silver. Environmental issues are only getting worse for our planet, and SciAps has already created the technology to help resolve some of the challenges.
Geochemistry and Mining
SciAps continues to innovate for the mining industry, recognizing that lithium, beryllium, boron, carbon, fluorine, and sodium are going to be crucial for the electric vehicle and strategic metals industries. The combination of the best-in-class X-505 XRF and full elemental coverage, from H to U, with the Z-903 LIBS improved research, exploration, grade control, blockmodeling, process optimization, and more. Even better, in-field lithium brines analysis is now possible with SciAps Z-9 Liquidator. SciAps has made it quicker and easier to discover lithium in rocks, ores, powders, and brines—all without destructive techniques!
Humble Beginnings
In 2013, Don Sackett and Dave Day started SciAps, knowing they could not innovate in the bigger companies. They took a risk, and it paid off. Our handful of founding employees has expanded to 130 people working in research, development, and sales at our headquarters in Woburn, Mass.; in manufacturing at our fully ISO certified facility; and in sales and distribution around the globe. And we're having fun — join us to cheer on our co-worker CJ McLaughlin at his next NASCAR race or meet us on the golf course for the next ISRI chapter outing. And we're giving back by donating a percentage of sales to Wounded Warrior Project, which supports veterans and their families readjusting to life at home.
CJ signs his racing autographs "Go fast and take chances!" It’s also our approach to innovation!
From analyzers to No-worry Service, we stay relevant by keeping our fingers on the pulse of your current and future needs.
Enter to Win
SciAps is celebrating 10 years because of you, so let's celebrate! Enter to win different prizes each week, including customized swag, fine wine, aged whiskey, your company logo on our NASCAR, analyzer discounts, and more! Multiple chances to win. Enter the raffle now.
SciAps, Inc., is a Boston-based instrumentation company specializing in handheld portable analytical instruments that measure any element, any place on the planet. Their industry-leading X-ray fluorescence (XRF) and laser-based (LIBS) analyzers are at work across every major industry, including oil/gas, metals and mining, aerospace, battery and strategic metals (lithium, rare-earth elements), scrap metal recycling, chemical and petrochemical, military, forensics and law enforcement. SciAps instruments are configured to measure elements in all types of materials, so applications are always expanding, recently including space research, pandemic anti-viral coatings, agriculture, and environmental contaminants.